Friday, June 19, 2020

A Question Of Motivation Paper - 1100 Words

A Question Of Motivation (Research Paper Sample) Content: Name:Course: -- Instructorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s name:Date:A QUESTION OF MOTIVATIONQuestion 1Expectancy theory states that the outcome and attractiveness of the outcome to an individual will influence the strength of the tendency to work or act in a specific way. Abbas and Salwa are both university students. It is expected that the opportunities they have, coupled with the pay, will be similar for both students. Salwa is given various opportunities to work in different areas of the store. Using the characteristics model, Salwa is given numerous elements such autonomy and task identity (Herbert, 2003). She is allowed to create products at the culinary center, and oversee the whole process while Abbas is always placed on one location handling one particular task. For Abbas this is not enough for his motivation, he is always doing the same kind of work on a daily basis. Abbas has the notion that for him to produce a certain kind of desired outcome, he does not have to perform at c ertain level. He thinks that what he is being rewarded is not in any way, proportional to the kind of work he does. He complains that Salwa is given an opportunity to work at a store location that she is comfortable with. Above that, she also gets to get a 75 dollar bonus for 10 sales of truffle oil that she makes while he is only rewarded with a sticker for his efforts. Abbas feels that a sticker adds no value to his life as he is bestowed with the task of paying his university fees. He is not driven to work since the outcomes of his work are not attractive enough to him. This is one specific that applies to the Expectancy theory. Salwaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s supervisor not only motivates her but also challenges her to perform her best while being rewarded monetarily for her efforts. Her supervisor has very high expectations for her performance. As a result, she is motivated to work and perform since the outcomes of her work are attractive to her; another specific that applies to the theory. Question 2Equity theory can be used to explain what Abbas is complaining about. The theory states that there should be adequate satisfaction of the employees from the kind of reward they are getting, or at least there should some fair distribution of resources and opportunities. Abbas feels that he is not being rewarded fairly and also that he is not given the opportunity to work at different store locations.The theory explains that the kind of inputs should be balanced with the expected outputs (Robert, 2003). Abbas is only allowed 30 minutes of lunch time while it is recommended that every worker needs to have at least 45 minutes of lunch break. This shows that Abbas spends more time working than the recommended daily time. In order equity to prevail, he should be allowed to enjoy his lunch time comfortably or at least be given a bonus for the extra time and the effort that he puts.Question 3Organizational justice deals with what is fair within the organization for both the employ ees and the employers. Abbas feels that he is being treated unfairly; as a result, he knocks down his bossà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s lunch box. There are two aspects to organizational justice;Procedural JusticeThis states that there should be fairness in the procedure of giving rewards to the employees (Herbert, 2003). In this case study it can be seen that there is no enough explanation as to why Salwa is given a better treatment and bonuses. Abbas cannot approach his supervisor on the issue. On the other hand, his supervisor does not give an explanation on the difference in treatment. There is unfair reward distribution in the store despite the fact that both are at the same level in the store.Interactional JusticeThis is part of organizational justice, and it handles how employees are treated in an organization in terms of respect, concern and dignity. Saà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬eed is always harassing and degrading Abbas in his show of might, just to show off his authority. Saà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬eed thinks that Abb as is not respectful and lacks concern, an issue than can be attributed to the fact that he initially treated him unfairly (Johnmarshall, 2008).Saà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬eed should take the first step by ceasing to give Abbas degrading comments. Abbas will now feel comfortable with the kind of interaction that takes place in the store. To ensure that procedural justice is observed, on the other hand, Saà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬eed should raise Abbasà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s salary or bonuses to match the work he performs, and be fair, just as Salwaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s.Question 4In this case, it is evident that Abbas only reacted negatively due to the emotional provocation that he received from his supervisor. Abbas retaliated because he was ridiculed by Saà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬eed in front of Salwa. This kind of treatment coupled with the fact that he was being pressured to get back to work even when he had not finished taking his lunch brought a lot of stress on him. Affective events theory states that emotional response is as a result of an event that has happened (Robert, 2003). Abbas work events; working in the same store location and degrading treatment, are the reasons for his emotional reaction.While conversing with Salwa, Abbas was feeling really down and depressed. Abbas utilized the opportunity to express how he felt about Saà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬eed. It would have been rather difficult for him to express his feelings while stacking the shelves and around customers.Both cognition and emotions played a role in his reaction. Cognition played a role since there was already some perceived conflict that existed even before Saà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬eed came into the room. The conversation between Abbas and Salwa brought this out. Abbas was constantly complaining and feeling dissatisfied. Emotional reaction was caused when Saà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬eed made degrading comments to Abbas. Saà ¢...

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